Page name: the loosers club [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-10-09 21:27:45
Last author: wolvie
Owner: wolvie
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The Loosers Club

Welcome to the loosers club, the place for all of Wolvie's friends to gather and chat and possibly rp


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2008-10-18 [Boomnesss]: oh...well....dat doesnt change the fact that there is a pokemon called quagmire....XD...hehehee

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: lol no we're talking about family guy XD

2008-10-18 [Boomnesss]: ok....XD.....

2008-10-18 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: yes quagmire from family guy the one always saying gigity gigity

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: i lovers him

2008-10-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: me too

2008-10-18 [Boomnesss]: lol

2008-10-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: ugh

2008-10-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: meep

2008-10-18 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: he is funny ha oh brians blonde girlfriend is funny how do you know if you're jewish -brian-are you jewish? -blonde-no -brian- there you go

2008-10-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: i know that was awesome

2008-10-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2008-10-18 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: lol it always is

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: so true

2008-10-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: very

2008-10-18 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: im watching the best quagmire moments on youtube

2008-10-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: sweet

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: very awesome

2008-10-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: very

2008-10-18 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: wolvie member the one with brian goes to see his ex then finds out he has a son stewie goes all jerry jerry jerry lol

2008-10-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: that was awesome

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: lol yeah and it made no sense for the son was like 13 and brian is only 7

2008-10-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: true true

2008-10-18 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: haha i just watched the one where his son came to his house and lois was like nice to meet you and he was all shut up bitch dumbass peter be lke oh he got you lois

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: lol yeah and he says that he wishes he had a gun so he could shoot them all and peter goes "oooh now we know what to get him for christmas!"

2008-10-18 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: lol oh classic hey wolvie whats the name of the site you had posted with family guy episodes?

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: they have some family guy episodes sorry i fell asleep guys

2008-10-18 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: RAWR!

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: hi chrono ^^

2008-10-18 [Boomnesss]: Meeeerrrow

2008-10-18 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: chronoo is back o.0

2008-10-18 [Boomnesss]: indeed, she is

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: woot?

2008-10-18 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: indeed woot wolvie

2008-10-18 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: im chrono and im awesome! OMFG I HAVE SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (Tackles kimmi)

2008-10-18 [Boomnesss]: XD...WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE *is tackled by one of da most awesomest people*

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: yay for chrono ^^

2008-10-18 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (licks kimmi's neck) O_O

2008-10-18 [Boomnesss]: *licks Chronos nose* <img:sh-gif.gif>

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: *watches and shives*

2008-10-18 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -laughs at watches the funny-

2008-10-18 [Boomnesss]: O.O

2008-10-18 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (giggles) O_O (nibbles on kimmi's neck then runs away)

2008-10-18 [Boomnesss]: ^_^

2008-10-18 [Boomnesss]: sorry....i gotta back in a bit

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: bye kimmi dont die!

2008-10-18 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: awww bye kimmi V.V

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: its ok chrono amazing wolvie is still here

2008-10-18 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: ok ^^

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: and i ish kinda cool

2008-10-18 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: you ish kewl ^^

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: ^_________________________________________________________________^ chrono says im kewl *does happy danc of coolness*

2008-10-18 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (giggles and joins you) <(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)>

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: windows movie maker isn't working for me :(

2008-10-18 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: awww...i have that but i dont have the good internet to make a AMV!

2008-10-18 [wolvie]: what i do is find the movie i want on youtube then you can go to to save it to your puter

2008-10-18 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: lala how come wolvie?

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: cuz its lame

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (sneezes) O_O

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: i wants soup

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: mon wihses for some chicken raman

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: i want

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: i ish eating soup ish god

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: i ish not eating soup

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]:


2008-10-19 [wolvie]: soup is good for colds

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: mhm...and i like fresh air!

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: and i like beans ^^

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: i like tortilas

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: i like poking dead things with a stick

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: o.o wierd

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: ish fun

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: O_o (gasps) MY HYPER-NESS ISH GOING AWAY!

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *cries for chrono*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: no no NO! crying for me

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: Oh NOES!!!!!! *injects Chrono with caffine*

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *keeps crying for crono*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: O_O...(eye twiches)

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *ish uber sadness*

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *watches Chrono's eye twitch*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (screams and tackles wolvie) IM OK!!!!! (runs awa and dances krazy)

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: i like juice ....(yes, i know its a random comment)

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *ish tackled* 0.0 YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *watches Chrono's odd behavior...shrugs and runs off after her doing the same crazy dance*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (keeps dancing) ^_^

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *tries to dance and epicly fails*

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *keeps up with the crazy weird dance*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (stops)......O_O

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *keeps dancing but stops when i notice Chrono stopped*<img:sh-gif.gif>

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *ish sad that i cant dance*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (watches kimmi)....(walks over to wolvie)

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -tackles san-

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *ish still saddend*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (gives wolvie a kiss on the cheek) ^^ cheer up lad

2008-10-19 [Zenolia Rose]: *Growls at Chrono*
Who said u can kiss my baby?

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -huggles wolvie- tiz ok bub

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *huggles jo jo* ish otay jo jo

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: her lil sister...-.-

2008-10-19 [Zenolia Rose]: *Keeps growling*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: psh....(walks away)

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -stands near chrono- chrono pay no mind

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *tackles Master*

2008-10-19 [Zenolia Rose]: *Runs after Chrono and attacks him*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (dops kicks jo jo) WHAT THE HELL! (growls)

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *growls and attacks chrono for hurting jo jo*

2008-10-19 [Zenolia Rose]: *Dodges the kick* I dont want to even see u near my baby again. YOU HEAR ME? *Growls more*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (rolls eyes and lets wolvie attack me).....

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -ish le tackled-

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (gets up and walks away with tears in her eyes)....

2008-10-19 [Zenolia Rose]: *Keeps growling*

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *chews on Mon's ear*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (sits under a tree and starts to cry)

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *huggles Chrono*

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: jo jo thats enough chrono's my friend

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -steps aside-san no chewing on mon's ear

2008-10-19 [Zenolia Rose]: *Stops growling* Whats wrong?

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: Nai not Master?

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (doesnt hug back and gets up to walk away)

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: <img:mood21-gif.gif>

2008-10-19 [Zenolia Rose]: *Puts ears down* Im sorry if it was me. *lays down and curls my tail to my side*

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *hugs jo jo* you dont need to be so protective you know that i wont ever leave you

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *curls up in a dark lonely corner*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (sits by the lake alone tears dripping to the ground)

2008-10-19 [Zenolia Rose]: *Whines*

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *dies*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (walks to kimmi and sighs giving her life again and sits by her)

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *sighs then goes and sits by chrono* you ok bub?

2008-10-19 [Zenolia Rose]: *Stays where I am

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: Yay!!!!! *is alive again!*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (stays quiet when jamie talks to me)

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -sits by san and chrono-

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *turns to wolf and nuzzles chrono a little*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (lowers my head and pats wolvie)......(gets up and walks away from you three)

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *tilts my head to side---being the perfect picture of cuteness*

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *whines and follows chrono*

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *gets a bowl of cream and starts drinking it*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (stops)....(blood drips from my arm and looks at it and remembers) "thats where her claws ended when she attacked me..."

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *stops following chrono and sighs*

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -grabs pillow and lays down by the lake-

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (sits by a tree cleaning the wound)

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *sighs and lays down* im sorry chrono i over reacted

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (hisses at the wound)....

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *gives Chrono a bandage*

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *whines slightly from feeling bad*

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -crawls over by chrono-

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *shape shifts into my Kimmi nurse form and bandages the wound*

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *rolls some chocolate milk over to chrono and whines*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (sighs)...

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -lays by chrono- tiz ok m8

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *stays where i am and watches chrono*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (just sits there)

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -looks around-

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (sighs)....(stands up and looks at her arm)

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *tries to think of a way to make up to chrono*

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *sits on Master*

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: (sighs)...imma go for awhile

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -looks at san- why sittin on master mon?

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: cause you looked comfy......why else would i?

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *sighs* bye chrono im sorry

2008-10-19 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: i'll be back later

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: k chrono be carefull kid

2008-10-19 [ĸ∂®◊µ™ {Fake_Pressure}]: (walks in)


2008-10-19 [wolvie]: HI!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: hi^_^

2008-10-19 [ĸ∂®◊µ™ {Fake_Pressure}]: hehe...oh! im at Chrono's house =D

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: sweetness ^_^ chrono so rocks

2008-10-19 [ĸ∂®◊µ™ {Fake_Pressure}]: hehe..yea...>_> but she looks sad abit...

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: yeah i know its all my fault that she's sad

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: crusade is back woot and because idk mon ish awesome like that

2008-10-19 [ĸ∂®◊µ™ {Fake_Pressure}]: (gasps) why what happen?

2008-10-19 [ĸ∂®◊µ™ {Fake_Pressure}]: (tackles mon) HiYa MON!

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *sips on my super Ninja Jooosh*

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: long story karou and i dont want to talk about it right now i've got way too much on my mind

2008-10-19 [ĸ∂®◊µ™ {Fake_Pressure}]: (nods) ok Wolvie....

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *huggles Wolvie*

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *huggles kimmi back*

2008-10-19 [ĸ∂®◊µ™ {Fake_Pressure}]: (yawns) im sleeping here at Chrono's...and well i'm only gonna be on here for abit...cuz then Chrono wants on again

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -takes ninja joosh-

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: Yay!!!!!!! I LOVEs Wolvies huggles!!!!!!!

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *smiles a little* you fools rock my socks

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *Jumps up and down* *gives Wolvie a plate of yummie bacon*

2008-10-19 [ĸ∂®◊µ™ {Fake_Pressure}]: (yawns)...ok Chrono wants on O_O

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *suddenly notices dat my ninja jooosh is gone!!!!!!* Oh NOES!!!!!!!!!!

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *wags tail uber happily and wolfs down bacon looks at karou* but...but...

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *Starts hunting Master Mon down*  MASTER???????!!!!!!! *whines*

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: MASTER?! Kimmi wants Ninja Jooooosh back!!!!!<img:mood21-gif.gif>

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -hides with ninja joosh-

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *hides from the sillyness*

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: bbbbb...but dats MY ninja joooosh (juice)....its all of my favorite joooshes mixed into one.... <img:mood21-gif.gif>

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *tosses kimmi some more ninja junk*

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: it isnt junk!!!!!!!! I named it Ninja Jooosh cause its amazing^_^

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *ish sad for noone is rpging which makes me want to eat my tail*

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: *returns to my half cat/hanf woman form and gets my awesome scythe weapon out*

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *ish scared and dies*

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: OH NOES! dont be scared! come back Wolvie!!!!!!!!!

2008-10-19 [wolvie]: *comes back* you has bacon?

2008-10-19 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: -comes out of hiding without the ninja joosh-

2008-10-19 [Boomnesss]: yes, i has bacon^_^ *gives you plate of bacon^_^*

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